Hello everybody, I received referred to this by a defi man I do know from telegram teams, he received an insider pal on this "Get Grass" challenge and claims its very farmable (and simple), a kind of passive farming networks primarily buying and selling your community information. Simply register and begin farming, takes no preliminary price however you do have to put in an extension it appears. I used a throwaway gmail and a seperate browser on a outdated laptop computer however now I'm curious if there's a catch or if I can simply let this run? https://preview.redd.it/y4uu2jq0e33c1.png?width=2468&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b80506234ce389c9eba19796e9d8852ad1912b3 What do you guys assume on this? https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=kKoKJhvVqaV59Dv submitted by /u/Goodcharlotte32 |